Sunday, February 21, 2010

Never fear, Rajini is here!

Alright my fellow blogtards it has finally come to reality!!! I am sharing with my fellow life rejections one of my most treasured rejects ever!!! Bollywoods own Rajini Kanth, the Indian Bruce Lee/Charles Bronson/ Jackie Chan/ brilliance dipped in brown sugar, mmmmmmmm. This my friends is a special moment where I will share one of my favorite past time killers on the viral world we call life now. This silly bastard will astound, will blow you away, will make you try and wrap your mind around his perplexing radness. You may think I'm understating this dogma, this labrynth of perpetual crotch and funny bone tingles cause this my friends is the mother loads of bankrupt comedy I hope comes back to the U.S. again!!!

If you pay attention to any of my blogging you will understand I have a deep attraction and appreciation to uncharacters, which he clearly is with a dash and sprinkle of epic bad ass that shadows all other douchetastic asshole. No he is not a douche for the fact he is revelled in his country as a demi God of action packed cinema WTFness and I too have fallen victim to his arrogant deliverance! Awe I know you watched the first video and now your curious, reviled, or simply amused, whichever it is you are now interested aren't you?!

To his amazing action sequences to his unstoppable mustache you know he is a man of greatness! There are so many scenes I can share, so many in which I have catalogued on my computer simply for the fact that I never want to miss out in case he goes secret agent and vanishes from our midst, I cannot lose him and I feel neither should you now my friends.

From a serious horse slide under a trailor to evade and or pursue criminals that must pay.......

... to the bunny hop that can dwarf all other bunny hops to have ever been attempted he is platinum stardom dipped in gold and rolled in diamonds!!!! You may asked yourself Mo you are weird as hell, how can you enjoy this, and I can answer the best I can if you do not appreciate how fantastic my man Rajini is, Suck It. Suck it long, and suck it hard cause like I have explicitly said before I do not care what you think, you are reading my meanderings in thought and life and by God you will bend the hell over and take what I have to give!!!!