Monday, November 30, 2009

Epic Dorkdom Yummyness!

I am THAT chick who has that unbelievably insatiable lust for a tall, BCG wearin nerd with intelligence. They are the hidden gems within our society, the understated unappreciated gold mine that I refuse to share with anyone else! I'm not talking about dudes that made it big with their ideas now every chick wants them cause he's loaded, I'm talking mental stamina of a stallion, they should be enslaved by me as a middle eastern female sheik! Oh yes those dudes, their unique capability to make us think and laugh all in one and just when you thought you had to run to the bathroom before you wet yourself ( wink wink) they give you that awkward sense of silence to ponder what they just said yet all your thinking is, where is the nearest piece of material to gag this poor bastard so no one will hear his screams as I take out this inner frustration on him over and over and over....., well you get my point.

Stephen Colbert as seen above is a quite possibly the most perfect example of my future pets I have, passionate, witty, dead sexy, if it weren't for those silly little laws about stalking people, which is clearly outdated he would be chained in my bedroom making me giggle all night!

Andy Samberg, he is more on the side of goofball yummy but none the less you know he was that hot geek I so fantasized about in high school while I had numbers dropped from douchebag meathead suave' moronic jockey boys. My looks defeated who I was on the inside, my outgoing personality, forwardness and ginormous "brains" scared these perfect creatures away and I was stuck with the dude sitting in the bar still wearing his lettermans jacket ten years later types. Andy was exactly who I tried to sit next to, they were smart, funny and you just knew beneath that awkward obsession with whatever juvenile thing they clung to to unravel the mysteries of it before their other nerd buddies did there was an animal waiting to please and dominate every part of you!

Ben Stein, although not quite as attractive to the naked eye, he is by far the definition of mental sex. He is educated, eloquent and a mental God with how referenced and refined this normal every day nerd is. By far the most overlooked I would consider him my most valuable due to what he could teach you while you teach him a thing or two! Ladies and gentleman I know by know your thinking Mo your crazy but I know there is a small voice inside that grey matter that says, nothing gets me more hot than mental stimulation, and I can answer that for you if you question it! Visual cues of hotness only last as long as it takes to fire it off, if you get what I'm saying, but mental stimulation is far lasting, knowledge is not only key in this life, it's effing sexy! Teach me Quantum Physics, teach me how engines function, teach me Nano Tech and you will find yourself in the kung fu death grip of my thighs I kid you not!

Following are pictures of those imaginary geeks we all pretended or pretend we do not lust after but need to change our underpants after watching whatever scene they made us giggle at right before the main guy takes over for the punchline. Men, I realize you may think this blog is not fair since it's only about men, well I don't care and you can respond with your own idea of hot she nerds but maybe you can take this blog as a hint, we do appreciate a nice bod but it's what makes us think that really makes a woman HOT!!! If I'm lieing I'm Crying and I ain't shed a tear! Good day and enjoy!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Soiled Doves, my naughty obsession!

I will admit it. I can't get enough of these stories of Americas old west and how women made that journey in so many different ways but none more fascinating to me than the Soiled Doves. I will not point out the horrible disgusting mistreatment of these women due to my blog being one of fun and good humor, I'll let you research it all on your own through tears and nausea of what these women and girls of ill repute endured to simply try and live. This is that one moment we can have an appreciation for the shoe prints on the ceiling lifestyle not all chose but were a part of.
I'll start by pointing out that most women do in fact have a fascination and/or questions of this sexually driven lifestyle. If you pretend you have no interest I will call you a liar to your face with a smile cause we all know deep down we all want to be a little whorish for the men or women in our lives. The dirty hotel visits or naughty lingerie and the behind doors escapades that keeps those companies in business we like to say are so disgusting. I have known strippers, call girls, and for a Sociology paper I wrote and presented, I went to little mining town and interviewed these red light delights at a cat house. Yep I did get an A and I'll be damned if not every dude and most girls asked how to get there, of course it was back alley in the middle of the night on a Tuesday questioning on their part but that is in fact how I know, we are all just a little interested. (wink wink)
Why oh why do we buy each other those naughty bridal shower gifts, or have one last singles night, or have those home parties where it's ok to giggle at those ginormous vibrators and tingle creams then hurry to that back room and put in that order ASAP!?!?!?! I will tell you why and that is even the most prudish of us have a little closet whore peeking for that moment, that perfect time when it will be acceptable and they won't be judged for satisfying that urge some pretend not to have then whack off to God knows what in their bathroom with the tub and sink running. Do I salute prostitutes and the lifestyle, not so much, however I do salute that sexual freedom they have, the feeding of that carnal desire so many like to judge others for! Unleash it, safely of course but damn it so many head cases these days would most likely behave semi normal if they just unload the gun or allow a little Mario Bros to come in and do what they do best!
Sex, sex, sex, penis, vagina, tits, boobs, rectum..... I could go on and on to try and scare some readers away and it is fun, you better believe I'm typing it with a smile hee hee but the point is it's only bad, you only judge, and these embedded emotions to these words, ideas and Harlots stem from your own experiences otherwise it would make you smile too.
Women of the old west, some, took this idea and ran with it, used it, sucked it dry (teehee, stop it Mo) and embraced the talent of seduction and love, like douche bags of today's society and made a life with it. All in all we all have a little bit of slut in us, it's only the brave who can admit to it, take it by the horns and wrestle it into the pretzel we oh so yearn to experience from the big mechanic with dirty hands, smears on his face and size 14 steel toe work boots!
I don't want a desensitized public to it, we have Las Vegas and Europe for the outright immodest, I appreciate this balance in life we will call checks and balances, extremes from both side. I like how I live in a state which has the faux existence of piety so they don't make their families ashamed at what they did at the rootbeer parties that was just a same sex deal. No worries, I won't tell!
This blog is fun, it is ebbing on what runs through every ones mind every so often, more often than so, and I have no qualms in your utter distaste in my forward nature, I love me!!! I bet secretly, your starting to like me, just a little!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Knives Weilders Unite!

Today is the day my friends, one of which we have an appreciation for the skills of those who have talent, fortitude and sheer will to master what we all dream to. Carving into the flesh of our fallen fowl brethren! Try and pretend you don't enjoy slicing into that protein filled delicacy, mouth watering as you think to yourself " it's so tender it's just falling off the bone!" Yummay!!!

It's a day the family can all get together and celebrate how thankful they are that we all can actually get together and enjoy that first ten minutes of comfortable bliss. The expectation of family fun far exceeds the reality yet every year we imagine that this year will be different! Ah I love that, I love that there is that heated argument over why their political beliefs are superior to the other, the religious debate using their own judgement pointing out it's up to God to judge and you base your judgement on his shoulders, and the ever favorite the drunk who spills the beans to a secret NO ONE was supposed to know now someone is in tears on the door step watching their own breath saying to themselves why oh why. I LOVE ALL OF IT!

I do have a picture of my own grandmother saying we're number one but I won't post it due to, it's not my bloggers biznaz who I am on that level, sorry folks. When I see this I remember one holiday where we were all sitting in our Nanas living room drinking tea, eating pie, abusing alcohol like it deserves, while two 70 year old women were washing dishes. What a horrible family to make them do dishes your thinking but oh no let me inform you that these two Serbian broods are steel to the core and no one else can clean a dish like they can so stay the hell out! My grandmother and Aunt were washing when we suddenly heard "You Bitch!" over our family banter in the living room. Next I heard the best thing I've ever heard and that was my frail Nana (aunt) at her whole 90 lbs with her Darth Vader oxygen tank say ,"Fuck you I'll choke you!" Oh my hell this was the angels singing so did we intervene, riiight, my father whipped that camera around he was documenting every stupid attempt at being funny by us regulars to this ultimate fight of the effing century, are you kidding me! We all struggling, stumbling over one another trying to sneak a peek at the glory that our higher power bestowed on us that fine Thanksgiving evening! Alas it ended when my other Aunt wrestled her way through the cheering mass and separated them, did I mention they were cleaning knives? God bless this treasured holiday memory, the ambiance of what all holidays are set to! What were they fighting over, well come to find out they were arguing who would be helping our elderly uncle home and us serbian bloods know the true way to settle any feud is with brute force, some gin, and excessive vulgarity. What am I thankful for today, slaughtered turkeys, wine, and my wonderful family who I have shared the most epic memories of and with!!! Have a great day everybody, and to those with electric knives, your a pussy foot disgrace to us dedicated flesh carvers!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Little Good Time

I'll admit it, I have an uncomfortable fascination with the wee lads and lasses we all look twice at but will never admit to it. Why? We all like to pretend we don't notice, that we are so accepting and different than everyone else that we accept their difference as part of normal. But is that in fact normal? You pretend not to notice another human being, most likely ignore due to your frightened that saying hello or acknowledging them would be identifying that they are different subconsciously aware that your acknowledging their difference. We hurt their feelings to prove we're different, wow what douches we are! I embrace them!

They fascinate the hell out of me, partially because I learned my senior year that they in fact have knees, stupid I know, but when you watch these people walk there's no bending! Now I know different! I used to have achondroplasiaphobia, fear of midgets, but by further investigation into my mental block it was more so the realization that I did not fear them, I was afraid to offend the little buggars!!! My experiences in life have led me to the conclusion that I will accept whatever they put out there and I will say hello to them and yes when I get that forward of them stripping, by God I send that bastard to show that I do not only send offensive regular height folk!

I know what your thinking, Mo what the hell? I am simply putting out there what we've all been thinking, what we're all curious about, and what we all really really want to just ask but live in psychological fear from it.

I challenge each and every one of my poor readers to so this, look at this stripper and tell me, do you laugh or do you think she's effing sexy as hell and want to twist her like a top? Either way, like any other stripper out there, they could care less why in fact you are staring at them, why in fact you pay to see them, and why oh why you try and pretend she doesn't exist. She has accomplished, just by being herself, what Jennifer or Candy at Titty Hollow on the corner has not, and that is use her uniqueness to draw that attention. Are you tracking yet? I don't question that there are many many people out there who in fact get harder than diamonds looking at this, and I don't judge them, I wish more would stand by their conviction and admit it than being the uber puss and going along with the crowd.

Am I a little person, no, am I attracted to them, not what so ever. But I will admit I get a laugh when I see this picture, just like when I see a video of Kareem Abdul-Jabar practicing martial arts. It is different to what is common sense to the brains eye, and I understand I am probably a total bitch in some peoples eyes for admitting what they think but we all know what I think of that so I won't continue.

Sorry it's short, I am busy with the honor of Benjamin F. fav fowl this week, but this has been my random thought of the day!!!

The video below is in honor of my friends and family which I love to look down from my 5'10" height, pat you Lollipop kids/yard gnomes on the head and say, " God Bless You." Work it out Mini Mikey, Go on!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

RIP Uncharacters

Johnny Lawrence, oh yes the quintessential 80's bully!! Definantly one of my fav bully characters from the treasure trove of 80's flicks we all know and love. If someone can tell my who is above the age of 30 that they have no clue who this is I will back hand slap you for good measure cause my friends, this blog is dedicated to those horrible un dynamic bastards from those popular movie competing with butt rockers of it's time!

I love bullies from this genre, absolutely adore their character production and how little effort they put into developing a true asshole in order to focus on the love of the good guy and to cast the hottest most anorexic chick they could find to fall for him at the end.

One masterpiece that used this to the extreme would be the Revenge of the Nerds movies, they are fantastic!!! Notice the feathered blond bouffant, the tan skin, the sexy smile and jockish demeanor, this here is the perfect 80's bully! Stan Gable here is glorious in his performance and I give him a standing ovation for his dead on douche bag performance, well done!!!

Why on earth would I focus on these pieces of garbage that everyone just despises throughout the entire movie, no it is not because I identify with them, and no it is not because I think bullying is ok. In fact I go out of my way to bully a bully cause no asshole likes to think he's rejected by a hot chick, they do the rejection gosh darnit!!! It is because they are so incredibly simple that I can't help but love their bubble gum character thrown together last minute to make people love that geeky, awkward, yet lovable main guy. There is absolutely no substance to these guys back then whats so ever, besides if the writers were sober enough to think hard about it maybe their dad bullied them at home, but seriously that's as deep as it gets for these guys!

Not one of us can forget Biff from Back to the Future. The spoiled jerk we loved to hate in all the sequels, he was absolutely wonderment repeated! The leader of a pack of retards he really pulled out the stops to make sure we understood he was a bully and he meant it! He was an exquisite example set aside from the 80's jock bully, he was a hateful neanderthal destined to change oil the rest of his life and being child support broke in the process. Every girl that watched this tall brute push little Micheal around couldn't help but feel a little arousal from his tall toned frame, but his character forbids us to look any deeper than what came from his mouth and that was absolutely brilliant!!!
Now days it seems they like to add more depth to these troglodytes, giving the audience feel some sort of pity and look beyond their asshole qualities but I say nay! I say I am tired of looking beyond that sewer in their face and poor guy had a past, yeah I DONT CARE!!! I want the bully without substance, the guy who was out to push the smaller around simply cause they can and in the end it turns out THEY are the losers. The most recent bad guy, besides my fav Fat Bastard, that showed these despicable qualities has got to be White Goodman from Dodge ball. They carefully constructed the douche bag to symbolize all that I love of the 80's bully I so miss!!! And with that, I leave you with this performance of our new found glory.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Subtle Nonsense

Today I took it upon myself to do something out of character for the average Joe meandering with the masses in public. The basic challenge of fluidity to the ebb and flow to how we publicly respond, ignore, or merely glance at can leave a situation with the sense of, "what the fuck that was odd". I'm not speaking of the popularized Jackass bs that every male deals with growing up, I'm talking smaller, much much smaller. So small that it is only noticed five minutes after your gone and they are still trying to figure out why they had a hard time taking in whatever just happened.

It's a fine art, a subtle message you send to others without acknowledge your making any effort at all to be noticed. But they do! The key is to be noticed without noticing yourself.

The one I do most of the time, usually when I'm bored and need to cause a secret stir within the minds who surround me in pretty

much any environment.

It's simple and any one can do it!! As you walk, swing your arms WITH your steps. If you step with your right foot, swing your right hand forward. There is no need to over exaggerate the movement at all, and all you need is ten to twenty yards and you've mentally grated against what social fluid is moving around you. Don't believe me, try it! People may or may not stare, that doesn't matter, but what matters is you do not acknowledge your actions at all! Where did I do this at today, in the grocery store of course!!! It's my favorite place only because its whole process of existence is based on function! You always stay to the right and give the person passing aisles the right of way, so throwing a mental cog into this awesome machine, well it's magical!!!! My favorite part is to try and see the reaction after it happens, the head twists the crinkled little noses, and my personal fav, the semi pirate eye squint in deep thought of those fun little shoppers I just mentally violated!!!

There is always other options of course of how one can obtain this psychological violation of what is acceptable physical behavior, such as but not limited to: winking at no one behind someone, rubbing your hand from your shoulder down your arm across your stomach and end at you opposite hip while sighing, staring at nothing and laugh out loud, and another favorite waving at a wall!!! They are offensive in no way what so ever, they involve no one else around you, they are disturbing to the witnesses after they've processed what the hell was that?!!! AAAHHHHH I love it!

Yes I agree the performances put on on a much grander scheme is completely funny, however I don't think the majority of us appreciate the small movements that make one OK in a group of individuals who have no comfort level with one another but accept they are there. And if you don't believe me, just try it once and you'll see!!!
What do I love about this pic below, everyone looks twice!!!!! She is my hero!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Take it up yer bag pipe!

Everyone has their obsessions as a friend of mine has pointed out, whether they are a long term commitment for life such as herpes or a temporary condition like love, we all have 'em!!!

I go through phases of weird obsessions, from ninjas, to ghost hunting, to the ever famous pirate phase America has clung to for, lets admit it, FAR too long. Recently I have found myself inserting fun words such as "arse" and "yer" substituting for the ever obvious snore words we use every day. Why on earth did I get stuck on a such a random thing? It started with Hooliganism!!! Yes, you read that right, my love for those dangerous crazy bastards that run around committing their allegiance to alcohol and which team is from their particular locale. Just who are the original hooligans? If you say gangs consider this a visual slap you Dobbard!!! It's far more than a group of drunken overly aggressive tyrants gathering for a good time smack down, it's a sense of pride, a sense of togetherness in the fact you all can gather and have so much hate about the same thing for absolutely nothing. I like to think this all started with the Scotts, their love of plaid woven goody exposers and the sheer capability to toss a friggin power line pole, why they deserve to get the attention they have earned!!

I like to be able to have that freedom to run around, smashed beyond every legal limit with a smile and no underwear and when confronted I can say " I'm sheerly blootered due to being Scottish" or " you can't arrest me ya goon, I'm wearin a kilt!" UGH I want that!!!!

It is true that Hollywood certainly glamorized them in many movies, but not quite the way I imagine. If I were to take charge of a production it would be an ass whoopin movie of a lifetime, old rowdy men in those sassy little frocks smacking douchebags ( see earlier blog) around as if they were that step child they regretted! The entire scenario would probably be in a tavern in some filthy hooker strewn back alley and when they hit their peak of drunken rage they run out and kick the shit out of some thug gangsta douche for harassing small children. It would be epic! Long swords, battle axes, any jobby that would knock the shit out of punks! YESSSSSS!

Ah I get so amped with just the thought of a bad ass red headed gentleman loving his woman and bashing in skulls, now that's hot! Today during my many tasks I kept thinking to myself, what would fat bastard do? It has been a quote that I have lived by since his character came out as the arrogant lard ass I so love to despise! He's disgusting in all the best ways! Feast your eyes on this horribly obese wonder Scottpot! The coined phrase, WWFBD, is highly effective to any situation. Like a true representative of alcoholic rage by creating new and most of the time greater problems you cease to acknowledge the current one, much like helping someone out with a stomach pain you stomp on their foot. Does it solve the first ailment per say? No, however you are not thinking of it anymore and that is such a great feeling to see that it may not have been as big of a deal as you first thought. You are welcome my friends!!!

I will leave you with yet another video to stream through your mind as it does mine ALL THE FRIGGEN TIME!!! I call this little nip of delight actions to live by, at all times!And if ya don't like it, you can lick my imaginary bowfin bawbag!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dodging Darwin

All too often I catch myself wasting far too much time in stores and at home reading just how interesting warning labels are. I honestly have bought a product only for the fact the warning label was so spectacular I just had to take it home with me!!! From electrical products, to food, the stupid have tested and done it all to the point they must provide a warning as to not get sued by these dumb bastards, a moment of silence for those who have been taken from the gene pool so I could get a smile walking in those welcoming fluorescent aisles.

This fascination started back when I was a wildland firefighter sitting up on Cedar Mountain in a tent attending the mandatory Haz-Mat training. Going over the book work it doesnt come across as odd, more like ok it's general knowledge yet part of the course, alrighty then. Once our crew chief popped in that wondrous 1973 documentary about safety in the field I knew then, I must know more about these habits that few honestly pay attention too. Besides the 2 foot hairstyles and bell bottoms that you could curl right up next to those hairy legs under the sheer fact that they warned us not to taste a bright green substance oozing from a barrel identified as toxic waste. My new love was born, colors were brighter, birds sang beautiful music, and our stench of being in the field grew suddenly sweet! At that moment we all looked around the room and thought out loud, "Holy shit, someone actually did this so the HAD to warn us about it!" Puts it all into a different perspective, to the point that I oh so love to read the warning labels and imagine the whole scenario of what this person did to earn a so called picture on the milk box for their mental superiority.

I had two recent experiences that brought on this sudden thought. One was I was opening a bottle of wine and I took a second glance at the cork, to my own fascination with my sheer genius I look exactly like the picture!!!

Sweet Baby Jesus I was staring Darwin in the face, looking into a mirror of shame and stupidity. I WAS that warning label!!!
As lay drunken, well slightly buzzed, in bed that night I thought to myself that I'm not an entirely dumb person, I know I won't use the blow dryer while bathing, or decide just one swig of Dran-O won't hurt. Why I may have been a bit harsh with my judgement of the milkbox warning pics imaginary scenario people. Quite possibly it was more an operative error due to mis judgement of use or miscallibration. I pulled the cork toward myself cause it's easier, and frankly I'm terrified of it flying freely and breaking something.

So as I walk through stores and read the warning labels I ponder, are these just basic warnings for simple user error or are we making the mistake of taking drastic measures to keeping individuals selected by nature for natural extinction in the gene pool? This question is baffling and stimulating for myself and I'm sure to the unlucky readers of this will now take those extra few minutes to think of just how fantastically awesome these warnings truly are!!!

This is a slightly shorter blog however this is what ran through my mind most of the day. If you have any fun warning labels or links you'd like to share please do!!! I'll leave you with this video which is important to divers safety: Please check the depth of water before you dive, and please please double check if the damn thing is frozen below that two inches of slush!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Douche Hunting 101

I can't describe how often I run into these poor bastards and cant help but think to myself, wow they don't even realize how spectacular they are?!?!?! Chuck here expresses what we would all like to do, physical threat usually is effective since they don't understand verbal communication through the loads of toilet cologne and hair product, it's dizzying being in their presence imagine basking in it for hours upon end!!!
This is a tribute, an honoring of all the effort they put into making us all feel better about ourselves one douche at a time. Thank you for your hours of primping, the money you spend on name brands, and the time you spend staring at yourself in the gym mirrors saying "I'm making sure my form is right."
Some of my readers may say Mo, how does one spot a one and know for sure this is in fact a douche and how do you trap or kill one? Well my friends there are simple tracks that lead to the mystifying beasts and once you see one, well, you will know based on these few simple guidelines I will set for proper douche hunting.

Above is a young lad who has a mild case of douche. You can still distinguish the small items that give him away as labeled in the picture. Note that some of these things are in fact ok to wear in public however presentation is what separates the douches from us normally folk. This is an easy catch and easy kill for those who are just starting with the douche hunt. These douches prefer semi large crowds and go for the semi douchey mates. To engage simply approach and ask them where they bought that awesome shirt cause you want one for your daughter, and walk away. These have partial brain function and will process information at a much higher rate then the Summers Eve douche.

Now note douches are not limited to males, females also have douchetacular breeds like you see on the right!

Beautiful creatures yet every effort to promote this reverses thus. These are delicate yet a bit tougher douche than the males simply because they usually travel in packs and blow off honest feedback with the remark, "haters." They are territorial and are also a bit more aggressive than their male counter douche. There really isn't much need to try to go for the kill, they are usually doing it themselves with fad diets, eating disorders, and a low sense of self worth.

Notice the bawdy "bling bling" its a dead ringer for I want your attention and for you to like me!!!

We will now enter into the most douchetacular of them all, the Summers Eve douches! They always dress, look, and smell as if it's a hot summers night even if it's snowing outside. They usually have lots of money or try really hard to make that appearance. Most of the time it is not even their own but family money, which makes them even more douchetacular. As you can tell I am super excited for I know EVERYONE reading this has in mind a particular douche that fits this!!! The Summers Eve douchettes pretty much have fake everything and absolutely love to show it off, honestly if I spent that much money on myself I'd walk around nude too, and more often than not have a sex video they claim they had no idea how it got out! Their appearance is much more manicured than the regular douches due to the money, but don't be mistaken they are a glorious breed and almost nothing can take them down! Even the Summers Eve male version, however roles reverse and they are more aggressive than the female counterdouche. They are far more entitled, belligerent, and vile and I get goosebumps just thinking of how rad they truly are!!! Similar to the female, they are very manicured and buy more expensive things than they have friends, but with that kind of cash, friends don't matter!!!!

There are all sorts of douches of all ages and genres, these are just my fav!!! Feel free to let me know who your favorite douchetacular person, post your comment as a tribute, just for them!!!
If you are offended in any way, then it's self explanatory!
Finally here is a song a kick ass friend of mine dedicated to this fine art!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

No one cares, but they still read it!

It is confirmed I have joined the masses of blogtards who think life is so enticingly important everyone outside their family want to know everything about them!!! I have to admit, it feels good to take pot shots at others now that I have joined their ranks. LOL
I have not a lot streaming through my mind right now besides this poster is one of my favs off this glorious site, !!! I do not nor will I ever need something outside myself to confirm just how rad I really am, on that same note I never need someone to tear me down and make me cry myself to sleep thanks to the invention of mirrors.
It's true this may be a waste of time however I look at it as going green, I'm not wasting paper writing down how fab each second of my day is and I'm not giving my paper money away to people who want to tell me I have issues, or confirm.
Today is one of statements and I think I made an awesome one by cowering in the shadows of others and joining the throngs of people who have posted many a blog before myself!!! Afterall I AM that important!


My first blog and quite possibly not my last! The purpose to this venture is to expose my deepest darkest inner self, ok not really but to quiet the voices streaming through my mind like I care, I don't so shut up!
This isnt about my personal life AT ALL but the random what not I can't help but freak people out with on a daily basis.
What pushes one into doing so?
For myself it's to take people on the awesome ride I call my inner monologue, frighteningly also a dialogue. I truly believe so very few care and I sincerely hope that is the case, this also is going to help with my ceasing of harrassment on my friends on facebook. I will take it out on this!
This picture is perfect for the beginning considering I was an odd child, I loved my life and was raised as a boy. So of course when Barbies were bought for me from relatives my bro and I figured out ways to destroy them by unsuccessful parachute landings with shopping bags, or failing to locate them after a rescue mission of them being buried in the sand dunes, RIP Barbie!
I didnt realize I was a girl until middle school being raised by my dad and bro, well of course I knew I was however I had no feminine skills what so ever and once the girls grew there was no turning back from the awesome journey of being an uttuerly confused girl to woman!!!
So in a nutshell I am a pretty hot chick who thinks more along the lines of a guy now and I have to admit, it's bitchen! I do not apologize for who I am or how I feel, to be quite honest I really really like myself and feel if you do not like this then stop reading and get the hell off my stupid blog. LOL
I will try not to be too offensive however if at least one person isnt offended I failed at being real and put the societal filter on, as the blog poster I promise not to do so!!!
Alrighty then, enough stuff about the history of Mo, lets get down to finding that damn cheese!!!