I'll start by pointing out that most women do in fact have a fascination and/or questions of this sexually driven lifestyle. If you pretend you have no interest I will call you a liar to your face with a smile cause we all know deep down we all want to be a little whorish for the men or women in our lives. The dirty hotel visits or naughty lingerie and the behind doors escapades that keeps those companies in business we like to say are so disgusting. I have known strippers, call girls, and for a Sociology paper I wrote and presented, I went to little mining town and interviewed these red light delights at a cat house. Yep I did get an A and I'll be damned if not every dude and most girls asked how to get there, of course it was back alley in the middle of the night on a Tuesday questioning on their part but that is in fact how I know, we are all just a little interested. (wink wink)
Why oh why do we buy each other those naughty bridal shower gifts, or have one last singles night, or have those home parties where it's ok to giggle at those ginormous vibrators and tingle creams then hurry to that back room and put in that order ASAP!?!?!?! I will tell you why and that is even the most prudish of us have a little closet whore peeking for that moment, that perfect time when it will be acceptable and they won't be judged for satisfying that urge some pretend not to have then whack off to God knows what in their bathroom with the tub and sink running. Do I salute prostitutes and the lifestyle, not so much, however I do salute that sexual freedom they have, the feeding of that carnal desire so many like to judge others for! Unleash it, safely of course but damn it so many head cases these days would most likely behave semi normal if they just unload the gun or allow a little Mario Bros to come in and do what they do best!
Sex, sex, sex, penis, vagina, tits, boobs, rectum..... I could go on and on to try and scare some readers away and it is fun, you better believe I'm typing it with a smile hee hee but the point is it's only bad, you only judge, and these embedded emotions to these words, ideas and Harlots stem from your own experiences otherwise it would make you smile too.
Women of the old west, some, took this idea and ran with it, used it, sucked it dry (teehee, stop it Mo) and embraced the talent of seduction and love, like douche bags of today's society and made a life with it. All in all we all have a little bit of slut in us, it's only the brave who can admit to it, take it by the horns and wrestle it into the pretzel we oh so yearn to experience from the big mechanic with dirty hands, smears on his face and size 14 steel toe work boots!
I don't want a desensitized public to it, we have Las Vegas and Europe for the outright immodest, I appreciate this balance in life we will call checks and balances, extremes from both side. I like how I live in a state which has the faux existence of piety so they don't make their families ashamed at what they did at the rootbeer parties that was just a same sex deal. No worries, I won't tell!
This blog is fun, it is ebbing on what runs through every ones mind every so often, more often than so, and I have no qualms in your utter distaste in my forward nature, I love me!!! I bet secretly, your starting to like me, just a little!
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