Thursday, November 26, 2009

Knives Weilders Unite!

Today is the day my friends, one of which we have an appreciation for the skills of those who have talent, fortitude and sheer will to master what we all dream to. Carving into the flesh of our fallen fowl brethren! Try and pretend you don't enjoy slicing into that protein filled delicacy, mouth watering as you think to yourself " it's so tender it's just falling off the bone!" Yummay!!!

It's a day the family can all get together and celebrate how thankful they are that we all can actually get together and enjoy that first ten minutes of comfortable bliss. The expectation of family fun far exceeds the reality yet every year we imagine that this year will be different! Ah I love that, I love that there is that heated argument over why their political beliefs are superior to the other, the religious debate using their own judgement pointing out it's up to God to judge and you base your judgement on his shoulders, and the ever favorite the drunk who spills the beans to a secret NO ONE was supposed to know now someone is in tears on the door step watching their own breath saying to themselves why oh why. I LOVE ALL OF IT!

I do have a picture of my own grandmother saying we're number one but I won't post it due to, it's not my bloggers biznaz who I am on that level, sorry folks. When I see this I remember one holiday where we were all sitting in our Nanas living room drinking tea, eating pie, abusing alcohol like it deserves, while two 70 year old women were washing dishes. What a horrible family to make them do dishes your thinking but oh no let me inform you that these two Serbian broods are steel to the core and no one else can clean a dish like they can so stay the hell out! My grandmother and Aunt were washing when we suddenly heard "You Bitch!" over our family banter in the living room. Next I heard the best thing I've ever heard and that was my frail Nana (aunt) at her whole 90 lbs with her Darth Vader oxygen tank say ,"Fuck you I'll choke you!" Oh my hell this was the angels singing so did we intervene, riiight, my father whipped that camera around he was documenting every stupid attempt at being funny by us regulars to this ultimate fight of the effing century, are you kidding me! We all struggling, stumbling over one another trying to sneak a peek at the glory that our higher power bestowed on us that fine Thanksgiving evening! Alas it ended when my other Aunt wrestled her way through the cheering mass and separated them, did I mention they were cleaning knives? God bless this treasured holiday memory, the ambiance of what all holidays are set to! What were they fighting over, well come to find out they were arguing who would be helping our elderly uncle home and us serbian bloods know the true way to settle any feud is with brute force, some gin, and excessive vulgarity. What am I thankful for today, slaughtered turkeys, wine, and my wonderful family who I have shared the most epic memories of and with!!! Have a great day everybody, and to those with electric knives, your a pussy foot disgrace to us dedicated flesh carvers!

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