I'll admit it, I have an uncomfortable fascination with the wee lads and lasses we all look twice at but will never admit to it. Why? We all like to pretend we don't notice, that we are so accepting and different than everyone else that we accept their difference as part of normal. But is that in fact normal? You pretend not to notice another human being, most likely ignore due to your frightened that saying hello or acknowledging them would be identifying that they are different subconsciously aware that your acknowledging their difference. We hurt their feelings to prove we're different, wow what douches we are! I embrace them!
They fascinate the hell out of me, partially because I learned my senior year that they in fact have knees, stupid I know, but when you watch these people walk there's no bending! Now I know different! I used to have achondroplasiaphobia, fear of midgets, but by further investigation into my mental block it was more so the realization that I did not fear them, I was afraid to offend the little buggars!!! My experiences in life have led me to the conclusion that I will accept whatever they put out there and I will say hello to them and yes when I get that forward of them stripping, by God I send that bastard to show that I do not only send offensive regular height folk!
I know what your thinking, Mo what the hell? I am simply putting out there what we've all been thinking, what we're all curious about, and what we all really really want to just ask but live in psychological fear from it.
I challenge each and every one of my poor readers to so this, look at this stripper and tell me, do you laugh or do you think she's effing sexy as hell and want to twist her like a top? Either way, like any other stripper out there, they could care less why in fact you are staring at them, why in fact you pay to see them, and why oh why you try and pretend she doesn't exist. She has accomplished, just by being herself, what Jennifer or Candy at Titty Hollow on the corner has not, and that is use her uniqueness to draw that attention. Are you tracking yet? I don't question that there are many many people out there who in fact get harder than diamonds looking at this, and I don't judge them, I wish more would stand by their conviction and admit it than being the uber puss and going along with the crowd.
Am I a little person, no, am I attracted to them, not what so ever. But I will admit I get a laugh when I see this picture, just like when I see a video of Kareem Abdul-Jabar practicing martial arts. It is different to what is common sense to the brains eye, and I understand I am probably a total bitch in some peoples eyes for admitting what they think but we all know what I think of that so I won't continue.
Sorry it's short, I am busy with the honor of Benjamin F. fav fowl this week, but this has been my random thought of the day!!!
The video below is in honor of my friends and family which I love to look down from my 5'10" height, pat you Lollipop kids/yard gnomes on the head and say, " God Bless You." Work it out Mini Mikey, Go on!!!
ReplyDeletehahahha, that MJ dance you have to admit was pretty awesome! (: