My God I have hit the jack pot of all sites my friends, I now feel that my own family is in fact socially acceptable in more situations than bars, emergency rooms, and police stations! We actually could have more blood out there infecting the world one broken condom at a time!!! Hell who am I kidding condom don't feel the same right?!?!?! Please please look closely at these treasures I picked and chose from on the site I will post at the end of this and appreciate that these people can be anyone out there we look past on our daily routines! Caught forever in frozen time, moments you and I can appreciate with humor, respect and I fucking love them and I don't even know them! Above the title to this pic was "Has anyone seen Aunt Telcia?" look close and it's the Where's Waldo for us simple minded folk out here who now want to do this same photo for others to try and catch. If you say no then I will call you a liar, simple, yet elegant drunken thought was put into this family photo I now treasure!!!
I have hit the mother effing load here, these two brutes pose in the sexiest way imaginable to themselves and I sure as hell will not pass up such an opportunity to exploit that! The gentleman in the form fitting grey ensemble has a mysterious beckoning stance at which you question, is he in the process of moving forward or stepping backward forgetting to suck in widening his stance to be sure the small bulge will be noticed in his grandmothers polyester Sears pants. Mullet stud on the other hand went for the more forward approach, he is sexy and damn it he means it! A more natural stance, holding the wrist up like "oh my, you caught my in my leopard banana hammock checking the time in a photo studio", EPIC! Feathered business is absolutely breathtakingly hero that this man actually thought today is one of which I will be sexy in the most timeless way I can. Magnificent!
Alright dads, and this is why you are not allowed to be photographed when you play with children.
We are all very very aware that you treat them like the gi Joes you marred and buried in great aunts flower garden, but for the love of God stop pushing them onto slip and slides with no water,
and stop throwing them across rooms when chances are we all know we will be visiting the emergency room once again knowing when the doctors and nurses look at you they're are thinking I am reporting this SOB stat! They are not toys!!!! However on a side note I want to thank the mommies who did not step in, who probably was too loaded to give a shit and/or but not limited to, was bored and knew if she waited she would have an excuse to fight with daddy to avoid sex later. I know how you women think, and men, this usually is the ONLY reason why w sober women will let you toss their kids around for fun.
Alright I'm having too much fun and absolutely dieing over this web site so here is the last set before I release you heathens into the virtual world of insanity I so adore!
The creepy family photos that we all run the scenarios of what they could possibly be thinking when the were taken. No little Ping, you you suck at stacking blocks, you be no doctor, you sit over there now!!! Mo quit hahaha no lets continue shall we. Black and white are supposed to be
classic, nostalgic, influential to today's society reminding us of honestly how big of pussies we are in comparison. However, I see these of my own Serbian blood family working the rail roads and mines in Nevada and think to myself sometimes, they ate blood sausage, they slaughtered their own food, they would have the new guy take off his clothes and throw them off the train in the middle of winter on their way to school, Holy shit these people scare the living hell out of me!!! FYI the train story is true, my family rocks and frightens me! The black and white was most likely supposed to be a serene happy one with photos angled in the background, the man sitting forward asserting his penis stance into the posture, so what the hell is up with exorcist on the left. She honestly scares the shit out of me and to see this picture larger go to the following website I post right before I curl myself up into a ball of fear in my comforter hoping that it isn't true that the most random thing you don't think twice about is in fact what you dream that night. I hope you all enjoyed and please check this site out, it is my Eloi ( nod to HG Wells people) of my virtual roaming!
I'm so sorry for the bad grammar but honestly I had a hard time concentrating to even write this, I love this site!!!