I remember as a kid running around the neighborhood from sunrise to sunset, alone most of the time or with people who could mildly tolerate me if you follow anything I write about being the amazing reject!!! I am sickened by my sloth, yet as I'm disgusted by it I shove chips down my gullet and drink diet soda to watch my calories multiply and breed in my ass anyways. WTF
I read an article on an amazing woman who inspired me to change the back ground cartoon I was using to distract from my awesome day of pretty much same ol shit. Not her fault, I would love to blame her for my aching ass sitting here typing this however I can't, but I will cause it will make me feel better about my own decision of laziness and finger licken goodness of nacho cheese on my fingers! MMMMMMMM NACHOS.

I'm tired of my own excuses, although I refuse to acknowledge that thing called "victim role" since it's a choice as an adult, and I'm tired of hearing others. So as I read about kick ass people out there I will continue to recognize and understand in reading how amazing they are I am still sitting here, ass aching, and dreaming of gas station nachos. mmmmmm nachos.
To those amazing people who do more than read about amazing people I salute you as I contemplate buying a pillow for my ass. To those who are like myself get the hell up and walk away from the cellulite cultivator we call the net and do something you have never done and have always wanted to do.
In my loserdome as a kid I dreamed of doing so much, one of which was to actually have friends hahahahaha awe I know sad right, nay. However I did aspire to do something I have never done before and that's be a part of something that helps those poor little bastards out there that were like me growing up, different. So to make myself be able to look in the mirror again without thinking "someday I'll be rad" I picked up the torch and ran like the foul mouthed wanna be runner I am and just went for it. I hope you all do the same, get off your asses, right after you read this my little blogtards, and do something that your mom can wipe her tears of shame from her eyes finally to make up for that video you made in college!
Now go get 'em my lil spider monkies!!!!