Yeah I know it, it could be sad and lonely and you appreciate Brazzers so much more scoffing at your friend who spent way too much money on a day dedicate to an American baby suffering obesity and a wing deformity shooting shit at people, and we think people who worship an elephant is weird?! However lets poke some fun at it since my fellow blogtards know that's what I do best!!!

Your not allowed to judge these people.....want to know why, at the end of the night they're performing half the dirty lists on Urban Dictionary and your laughing in a feeling of vacant inferior superiority, have fun with that!
What I do love is the designation of one day where a couple, mainly the man, is expected to have a night of romantic fulfillment set up for his love. Even then they are still battling over withered flowers and figuring out if a congratulations card or a sympathy and turn it into a joke card will work best cause that's all that's left. Ladies, don't pretend like you have unreasonable expectations either. After all I act like I have testosterone however I do have a vagina and I do know that we become competitive braggarts chomping at the bit to be able to share with every one on every social network how much your other half appreciates you with candy that will give a you complex with weight the next day and happily growing flowers being mutilated, genetically altered to enhance colors, and displayed for 4 days till they die and yes.......your still bitching about feeling fat.
Such a wonderful holiday laced with potential of failure and disappointment. I know your thinking damn it Mo stop being so cynical. Ok, fine, its a day where we also appreciate one another, get in one less fight, and probably bang our little hearts!! I love it, I truly love VD for the fact an idea put out there by the masses puts sickening pressure on a couple to perform in traditional love and one week after the day of glitter and rainbows BAM the reality your still with this person comes back and the high is gone and your back to envying the single person who decides they feel like road tripping cause they can and you cant!
I bet you thought this was about Venereal Disease didn't you you sick bastards, well, it is.
Now cheers to all of you single or taken, have a happy drunken night full of tomfoolery and shenanigans you will regret and brag for months and if your really lucky years, love you bastards!