This takes me back, waaaaaaay back into time when I was a young bastard in middle school. This started off on one American Idols judges favorite feet and I was heavily doped after having my wisdom teeth removed. I remember sitting in the waiting room for my dad watching the ceiling swirl and at that very moment ice cream came to mind, not just any ice cream, but ice cream from Charlies on the Boulevard was my favorite. As my father escorted me to our kick ass faux wood paneled station wagon we nick named the shaggin wagon since the irony was you could never get ass in that carpeted sun warped plastic awesomeness, I told him in a slurred sentence ,"m'icecrem pleez". Bless that bastards heart he knew what I was saying and off to Charlies we went! As I tried slurping down the vanilla goodness I looked around and was delighted at how vivid colors were, and how beautiful the sky was and my dads station wagon, and brown plaid interior, I was loving life and living on high!!!! The song Eternal Flame came on, at least that's what I remember it being so it may add to the fact my dad almost wet himself in tears over the most magnificent vocal performance ever, and I felt that fire within that couldn't be squelched by my sweet frozen treat. I belted in my mind was brilliant Grand Ol' Opry shit, I sang it out the window, I felt as if I was on top of the world and it was glorious!!! We get home and as the sedation and big meds wore off my father was teary eyed and wiping ice cream off my chin neck and told me to change my shirt. I look down and it looked as if the ice cream were in fact me orally pleasuring the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and there was the evidence. What the hell did I spill?!?! Nope, my father explained to me that while I was eating my ice cream I was drooling it in the first place since my entire mouth was numb, a song came on the radio and WHILE shoveling ice cream in my gullet I was belting incomprehensible words to it, at him, out the window at cars next to us, and also Made the big time move of tossing my hands in the air closing my eyes very serious like. That is NOT the way I remember it, mine was laced with gold and sprinkled with diamonds, the sky was changing colors so that should have tipped me off however I was basking in that moment of fail.
To this day my father will still bring that up, usually when someone drools icecream he loves telling them of this day I still argue was nothing short of magical! So sing your silly monkies, sing your damn hearts out if your tone def, can't understand the words, or if it's the wrong song, otherwise I will be the only asshole out there that does these things outside of the shower, and I simply cannot have that.